About the Press

La collana intende proporre i risultati delle campagne di ricerca promosse dal Centro InArtS, rispecchiandone le linee di indagine sul contesto artistico marchigiano in età moderna. Essa includerà volumi che raccolgono fonti di varia natura (documentarie, storiografiche e letterarie) inerenti la storia della cultura figurativa in tale area, nei suoi riflessi più diramati e internazionali.



A series that gathers the publications of conferences and exhibitions promoted and organized by the University of Urbino. It is a multidisciplinary series that began in 2022 with the publication of the first volume, the catalog of the exhibition 'Le carte di Federico' . Each conference and/or exhibition has its own scientific committee, visible within the publications, ensuring the scientific value of the produced volume. To request the publication of a volume within the 'Incontri e Percorsi' (Encounters and Paths) series, the organizers of the conference or exhibition can send the scientific and editorial project to Commissione di Ateneo  per le Biblioteche e la University (cabup@uniurb.it).


The publications are open access, distributed under the "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International" license, unless otherwise indicated; the author retains the intellectual property rights over the work and cedes, on a non-exclusive basis, the right of publication to Urbino University Press for the agreed edition.
The author accepts the following Urbino University Press copyright policy