We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 1 of the open-access Fragmenta mundi book series:
Fragmentology. An Introduction to the Study of Fragments in the Humanities and in Cultural Heritage By Alessandra MolinariRelease date: May 31, 2025. The book will be available for download on this site.
The notion of fragment is common to numerous research fields across virtually all domains of human knowledge. The present volume aims to contribute to an interdisciplinary dialogue among humanities and cultural heritage scholars. The study starts by clarifying the notions of fragment, fragmentariness, and fragmentality on the levels of common and academic language use. It then explores the objects and phenomena investigated as fragments within the single disciplines across the humanities and heritage science while comparing their respective research questions, methods, and worldviews. On this basis, it proposes an integrated view of the fragment which enables a deeper understanding of its complex nature and facilitates mono-disciplinary research undertakings and interdisciplinary teamwork. The interdisciplinary terrain underlying the argument process in the volume integrates some common epistemological tenets of philology, literary theory, heritage science, digital humanities, and knowledge organization with the help of Rick Szostak’s interdisciplinary theory.