Strategic Decision-Making in International Context: Proceedings of the 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on “Strategic Decision-Making in International Context”
Table of Contents
Fabio Musso
Rationality, heuristics and biases in strategic decisions Foreword pag. 7
Section I ‒ Extended Abstracts
Simone Guercini , Matilde Milanesi, Andrea Runfola,
Cognizione e regole di decisione per l’entrata nei mercati esteri pag. 21
Izabela Kowalik, Lidia Danik, Agnieszka Pleśniak, Elżbieta Duliniec
SMEs’ decision making and entrepreneurial orientation. A focus on the Polish international new ventures pag. 35
Clara Benevolo, Lara Penco, Teresina Torre
Global strategies and entrepreneurial firms: the role of the entrepreneur’s features in the decision-making process pag. 43
Maria Rosaria Marcone
Innovative open processes in the international supply side relationships. Analysis of MSFs cases pag. 53
Michela Matarazzo , Lara Penco , Giorgia Profumo
Digital transformation and internationalization in Made in Italy SMEs: a capabilities perspective pag. 61
Nikolaos Papazoglou
Ιnter-industrial comparison of the firms’ financial Performance pag. 73
Section II ‒ Full Papers
Valentina Macovei , Birgit Hagen .
Causation, effectuation and bricolage in entry mode decisions pag. 85
Anna Claudia Pellicelli, Claudia Franzè
Strategie di marketing internazionale: L’impatto della customer education sulla percezione del Made in Italy nel settore agroalimentare pag. 115
Federica Cavallo, Amedeo Maizza
Le enodestinazioni italiane di successo: un confronto 2008-2018 pag. 129
Luciano Pilotti, Alessandra Micheletti
Causality and effects "beyond" strategy reinforcing organization: the process of decoupling decisions-actions towards ecologies pag. 151
Revathi Palat Rao
Achieving Global competitiveness in International wine markets: The role of knowledge sharing and value chain upgradation pag. 167
Daniele Giampaoli, Francesca Sgrò, Massimo Ciambotti
Capitale intellettuale, processi decisionali strategici e performance internazionale nelle PMI italiane pag. 177
Aldo Bellagamba
Le esperienze lavorative dei fondatori nella nascita delle imprese “born regional”: il caso di due produttori di cappe del distretto di Fabriano pag. 191
Bettina C.K. Binder
Women on Boards and How their Number Could Be Increased with the Help of a Performance Cycle of Value Creation pag. 211
Ebenezer Yemi Akinkoye, Israel Seriki Akinadewo, Titilayo Moromoke Oladejo
Extent of Agency Cost among Listed Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria: Sector Analysis pag. 229
Mirian Palmeira , Elder Semprebon , Fabio Musso
Recovery Marketing as a Fresh Start Tool for Economies after Devastation. Preliminary Study and Approach Proposal pag. 241
Israel Seriki Akinadewo
Sectoral Analysis of Tax Evasion in Lagos State, Nigeria: Stakeholders’ Perspectives pag. 255