About the Press
The “Notebooks” of the “Urbino Interdepartmental Center and the Perspective. The scientific humanism from Piero and Leonardo to the Galilean revolution” represent a series of booklets, published without a predefined time frame, monothematic in nature, of a very qualified level, which began in 2007. The topics dealt with concern the applications of mathematical and physical sciences to art and architecture, with particular emphasis on artistic and scientific studies carried out in Urbino from the Renaissance period to the present day.
Through the series of the "Notebooks", the " Urbino Interdepartmental Center and the Perspective. The scientific humanism from Piero and Leonardo to the Galilean revolution", intends to recover and disseminate knowledge of the characters, the works and technical achievements that have characterized the Scientific School of Urbino. At the same time, on a broader scale, to bring new cognitive contributions to that precious intertwining of sciences, techniques and arts which we consider to be a source of important synergies, ideas and developments.
The "Notebooks" are published as a service aimed at promoting the timely dissemination of original scientific research, both in provisional and definitive form.
For more information, visit the website of the Urbino Interdepartmental Center and the Perspective (urbinoelaprospettiva@uniurb.it)
Publications must comply with the following editorial standards
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Publication requirements:
The author must declare that:
- the proposed text has character of originality.
- accepts the free dissemination of the texts through telematic networks specifying that the publication:
- does not infringe the current legislation regarding copyright, nor the obligations connected with the safeguarding of the moral or economic rights of other authors, as regards texts, images, photos, tables, or other contents;
- is not the result of activities falling under industrial property legislation and is not the subject of future patent-type registrations;
- was not produced in the context of projects sponsored by public or private entities that have previously placed particular constraints on the dissemination of the results for reasons of confidentiality or secrecy.
Peer review
The proposals will be submitted to the evaluation of two reviewers, who will be identified by the scientific committees of the series that will host the publication.
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Filing is permitted in all non-profit open access archives, including the institutional archive of the University IRIS-ORA.
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